Wednesday, May 12, 2010

compo question 2

I felt a poke. I turned around. Isabella passed me a piece of paper. It said if I want to go dancing tonight. Without looking at her, I nodded my head as I desperately wanted a time off for myself.

The bell rang. Everyone dashed out of the class.

“Hey!” Isabella exclaimed. “Let’s go.”

We walked together to the nearby pub. I sat down and decided to get a drink. Before I could do so, I felt a tap.

“Eat this,” Isabella whispered. I stared at the green coloured thing on her hand. Soon, I could recognize it was ecstasy.
“No way!” I shouted, pushing her hand away.

“Don’t be a spoilsport,” a boy wearing a blue t-shirt sneered. “Just eat it.”
At that instance, my mind was clouded with the recent arguments with my father. Ever since my mum passed away since I was seven, no one at home had cared about me. I wanted to forget about my problems and to have enjoy the night. Impulsively, I took it and put it in my mouth. I started to feel the drifting feeling in me, I felt so free and I was placed in a dreamy state. Throughout the night, I just did not know what was going on.

The next day, I managed to force myself to be in school. I was seating in class with Isabella and Alice. I was really lethargic and listless. I could not concentrate at all. Suddenly, my hands were shaking uncontrollably.
Alice noticed it. “Are you on drugs?” she asked as she pointed at my trembling hands.

“Yes,” I answered.
She told me that taking drugs is harmful to my health and told me to quit. She then said there was no medication for recovery of addiction. I did not bother to follow her advice.

Out of a sudden, Isabella who was sitting next to me collapsed and fell in unconscious. It caught the teacher’s attention and many people started crowding around. She was sent to the hospital by the ambulance. The doctor said that her liver was damaged and was in critical condition and no transplant was available. After a few hours, the doctor pronounced the death of Isabella. Torrents of tears rolled down my cheeks. I had just lost a close friend.

That night, I went to the pub again and took Ecstasy. Just then, the police dashed into the pub. The place was in chaos. Everyone was trying to hide their drugs. I followed. Everyone in the pub was arrested and brought to the police station. When I was in the police station, the policeman told me that Alice was the one who called the police. I was shocked but I was not angry. I knew she did the right thing. I was identified as one of the drug trafficker. The police called my father. He did not answer the phone. I was then pressed charges and sent to the rehabilitation centre for six months. Then, I realized all choices have consequences, I have learnt my lesson and vow to turn over a new leaf.

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